Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Outdoor hockey!!

Tuesday 8th of April saw 13 members of the Plateau School outdoor hockey team participating in a tournament with other Upper Hutt Schools. Once again the Plateau School children showed team spirit, skill and made us all very proud to be part of the Plateau community.

It was a rainy grey day but we got down to the astro turf nice and early so we set up our gear in one of the shelters and managed to stay warm and mostly dry. We played 7 games in total and managed to finish 5th overall on points.

 After we had lunch, some New Zealand hockey team members came to share their skills with us. All the schools had a turn and then it was back into our games.

A great big thankyou to Leanna, Mark, Tracey and Zoe for transporting us down to the games and back to school. Without parents to transport us to these events we would be unable to participate, so we are very grateful for your help.
As always I was very proud of how well our children participated and behaved on the day. Well done team!!

Mrs Brattle